Funeral Trends... the National Funeral Exhibition 2022

celebration of life coffin inspiration events funeral inspiration funeral transport green funerals

Funeral Trends... the National Funeral Exhibition 2022

Forget everything you think you know about the funeral industry. A recent day out at the National Funeral Exhibition 2022 confirmed that sweeping changes continue afoot in the sector.

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The Power of Podcasts... Talking Life, Death and Grief

bereavement support books films & podcasts end of life planning grief & grieving self-care

The Power of Podcasts... Talking Life, Death and Grief

This month we are celebrating some of the best podcasts about life, death and grief which are making an impact by opening up conversations about this important subject.

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Growing Memories... Plant a Living Memorial to Remember a Loved One

funeral favours remembrance ideas urns & ashes

Growing Memories...  Plant a Living Memorial to Remember a Loved One

The eternal renewal of nature awakens something special in all of us. We've curated a few of our favourite ways to sow the seeds of remembrance, recovery and renewal, or to find the perfect nature-inspired bereavement gift.

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Spring clean your life... and death

digital legacy end of life planning funeral planning

Spring clean your life... and death

We’re passionate advocates of planning for a good death and, as Winter turns to Spring, now is the perfect time for a tidy up. This means decluttering our admin, dusting off our plans and shedding a bit of sunlight on what the future might hold.

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Just a Note… The Many Benefits of Putting Pen to Paper

capturing memories grief & grieving self-care

Just a Note… The Many Benefits of Putting Pen to Paper

There is nothing like a handwritten card to tell someone you are thinking about them. In a world of emails and text messages, the act of choosing a card, putting pen to paper and taking a trip to the post box is enough to let them know they are in your thoughts.

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